#1 Subversive 설치
Help, Eclipse marketplace
svn 으로 검색, Subversive - SVN Team Provider 4.0.5, install
모두 선택, Confirm
The following solutions are not available... Yes (그냥 설치)
I accpet the terms of the license agreement, Finish
You will need to restart Eclipse ... Restart Now
#2 SVN Connector
Window, Preferences, Team, SVN 에 SVN Connector 탭에서 선택된 SVN Connector 없음 (버그 때문이라 함)
Get Connectors 클릭
Subversive SVN Connectors, Native JavaHL 1.9.3 (64-bit ...) (최신버전), Finish
Next, Next
I accept the terms of the license agreement, Finish
You are installing software that contains unsigned content, Install anyway
You will need to restart Eclipse for the changes to take effect, Restart Now
#3 Open Perspective 버튼 눌러서 SVN Repository Exploring, Open
여백에 마우스 오른쪽 버튼 누르고 New, Repository Location
General tap, url : svn://...
Authentication User : ..., Password : ... (본인 아이디 비번 입력), Finish
SVN Repositiory View 에서, svn://.... 밑의, trunk 밑의..
적당한SVN 위 에서 마우스 오른쪽 버튼 클릭
Find/Check Out As, Finish
Web, Dynamic Web Project, Next
Project name : 적당한SVN
Target runtime, 설정된 것이 없으면 New Runtime.. Apache Tomcat v5.0, Next
Tomcat installation directory, Download and install
(이미 설치되어 있다면 Browse 누르고 경로 설정)
I accept the terms of the license agreement, Finish
Select Tomcat installation directory, 해당 폴더가 없으면 만들어야 함.
경로에서 C:\dev\m 찾아 클릭하고, 새 폴더 만들기 버튼 눌러서 tomcat 입력, 확인
(Installing... Tomcat 5.0 설치)
JRE 는 일단 Workbench default JRE 선택하고 Finish
Next (여기서 Finish 누르면 경로가 약간 꼬이는데.. 절대로 Finish 누르지 말 것)
Java, Default output folder : web/WEB-INF/classes, Next
Context root : ...
Content directory : web, Finish
This kind of project is associated with the Java EE perspective, Open Perspective
(Check Out.. SVN 서버에서 다운로드, Building workspace.., Validating 적당한SVN..)
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